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Beskeder - CarstenL

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Syncro Fora / Sv: Questions regarding import my Syncro to Denmark
« Dato: 13. Marts 2017 kl: 16:57:59 »
I may be able to help a bit having lived in Zürich for 7 years and imported and exported T3s from and to Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.....

Since you will take your Syncro as part of your household ("Flyttegods" in Danish) and since you car is approved in Switzerland then it will also be approved as it is in Denmark.

The same was true for me when importing a T3 WhiteStar with a AZZ engine to Switerland instead of with the original JX engine. Normally this would be close to impossible - but since it was imported as household goods when we moved to Zürich it was no problem.

of topic ---- Im looking for a Doka, preferentially a syncro...... or any kind of T3 with a subaru engine.

Carsten (owner of a plastic T5 - scheisse!)

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