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Beskeder - henk4711

Sider: [1] 2 3
Diverse / CU / CV
« Dato: 09. December 2007 kl: 22:57:21 »
This is the intake manifold from the CV engine,you can see that it is injection (digijet??)

Diverse / CU / CV
« Dato: 09. December 2007 kl: 18:02:52 »
I think the CV is a 2ltr. with Injection (spec.for the USA marked)
Henk :wink:

Dine Projekter... / Svesje af vindue fals (side window frame)
« Dato: 05. December 2007 kl: 21:22:11 »
Citat fra: "Hinze"
Nice Footprint  :D

A little dust doesn't make any difference  8)  as long its look that proff.

Hi Hinze
Dust does'nt rust :lol:  :lol:
The most imported thing is that the rusty metal is gone,special under the window rubbers.
Before I mount the windows,I put (pensil) some waxoil on the frame.

Dine Projekter... / Svesje af vindue fals (side window frame)
« Dato: 04. December 2007 kl: 23:30:34 »
To day I have painted Lakkieret) the rep. from the sliding door and side window with 2K.
Looks very good (just a little dust :cry: )

Dine Projekter... / Svesje af vindue fals (side window frame)
« Dato: 29. November 2007 kl: 23:29:27 »
Citat fra: "KHSalvesen"
Look at his caps. not from VW. But how did the dog know it. :?:

If you come by this year, please remember your tools and welder, I will keep you busy.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

It looks real nice, and your photos are a great inspiration, and teaching.
You might get at little more technical.

Is it corrostabil you prime with.?
How about anticorrosion, inside where you welded.?
What do you do before mounting the window, anything for precausion.

See you.


Hi Kurt
Sure I come this summer,but do you have a rusten T3 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
The primer is used in a carrosserie vaerksted(friend of my),it is very good (and cheep :lol: The inner side of the panels is filled with tectyl,and I leave it as it is.Normaly I spray (my own bus) with "Waxoil" also cheep (from my ex work :lol: )
Before I mount the windows I pinsel it a view times with waxoil (pré wax)
I have done this a view thimes at my bus and it keeps very good.All my window frames are with out rust,exept one rear side window ,I had a little repair (for 20 years ago :lol: )
Henk :mrgreen:

Dine Projekter... / Svesje af vindue fals (side window frame)
« Dato: 28. November 2007 kl: 22:20:55 »
Citat fra: "Julius"
Looks great Henk ...

Was it really necessary with a donor car to make those small pieces of sheet metal ? I do believe a hand shear an the bottom a your wife’s cookie box would have done the trick  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: I have the same rust in the bottom of the windshield that has to be repaired soon. Looks like an easy little job compared to welding under the car .

Hi Julius
This bus is for sale :D But I know about welding under the car :cry:  :cry:
For two years I did my own bus ('81 CU 2ltr.)
But now it likes stil (mostly) new.Only the dog from Kurt don't like it,pissing at the hub cabs
Just look at the link to see the work I have done.

Dine Projekter... / Svesje af vindue fals (side window frame)
« Dato: 28. November 2007 kl: 21:12:45 »
Some pictures from the repair on the "Tysk"bus I bought for ca.1 month ago.Undervogn =rost fri (Like new).But under the back side window was much rost and I take it off.The bus is from '80.
I took some "plade deler" from a donor bus.
Henk :D

[size=18]Donor bus[/size]

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 12. November 2007 kl: 00:42:04 »
If you have the part number you can find the "Tysk" name for it and the price.Prices are from july (not updated yet)
I think those parts are availeble from VW (look in "Onkel")

Henk :lol:

Diesel Fora / spørgsmål til panelet
« Dato: 11. November 2007 kl: 22:17:46 »
Hi Peder
That sounds as a kadan krydset (homokinet ??)

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 10. November 2007 kl: 23:14:28 »
Citat fra: "biff"
ja Jan, kastede mig over det, troede problemet lå i selve gearkassen, men viste sig istedet at være ren slitage på den der plastikbøsning, tror jeg ihvertfald.. Ville være virkelig godt at have dine vintagereservedele  som mulighed hvis ikke det kan lade sig gøre, kun at skifte det slidte plastik.

It's not the bushes and the bolt, but only the plasticthingy on the left part of the shaft(seen from the front of the vehicle), is it really not possible to replace the plastic, without changing the hole shaft??

Tog lige et par aftenbilleder til, ved ikke om det belyser Hahja det bedre men det er altså den venstre lille "krog" (set forfra) på stangen mod gearkassen, der har en plastikbøsning/hætte som er slidt helt skæv, og får bakgearet til at falde af.

Biff Sorry,only self made,theire was never a part number for this.Only compl.with the shaft,but not more availeble for many years.
Just try to find a good used one (from Jan)
Henk  :lol:
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 10. November 2007 kl: 17:57:08 »
Citat fra: "jankjerbye"
Hmm er det ikke det samme hvadenten det er en diesel eller en benziner?

Er der årgangsforskelle?

Hvis ikke så har jeg med garanti sådan en liggende.. et sted..


Hi Jan
4 or 5 gear different.Don,t know about the years.Have to look in "Onkel"
Henk :lol:

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 10. November 2007 kl: 17:32:26 »
Citat fra: "biff"
hey Henk.
Do you know the exact name of the part im looking for( makes searching and asking a little easier...)

Hi Biff
The part numbers you can see on the first pictures (Link) I posted.
As I understand now you need only the two bushes and the bolt (right??)
You can order those partnumbers at VW,those are availble.
This is a picture from the shaft,only at one side platic.
Hope you understand what I mean??
Not more available !!!

Change this two bushes and the bolt

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 10. November 2007 kl: 16:56:47 »
Hi Biff
I don't know what year your car is,but the "Plastic" on the shaft you kan not exchange,only the whole shaft,but not available any more :(  :(
You have to look for a good used one.
Henk :wink:

Diverse / fangarme (shift guides)
« Dato: 10. November 2007 kl: 16:18:08 »
Hi ,Fangarm comes under the profiel in the backgear (push down)
Henk :lol:

Elektrisk / Varme i kabinen. Ingen blæserkontakt - benzin
« Dato: 08. November 2007 kl: 23:06:20 »
Citat fra: "xploader"
eller den her model.
Godt nok i en T2 men stadigvæk en CU motor

Hi Peder
Undskyld, du mener CJ motor :oops:
Jeg har skriver a lit Dansk nu

Henk :lol:

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