T3 Fora.. > WBX/LBX Fora

Hjælp søges i København! Problemer med min DG-motor


Gabriel John:
Kære T3-venner,
jeg har brug for hjaelp med min DG-motor. Jeg er tysker og bor i København/Gentofte i øjeblik. Og nu på engelsk:

I recently fetched my campervan from Germany and of course the motor started to struggle as soon as we arrived in Denmark...
I believe the motor is running on only 3 cylinders and there is white smoke coming out of the exhaust when I start the motor. Since I know barely nothing about motors myself I'm looking for someone to help me with a diagnosis. I'm a little afraid of finally ruining the motor if I drive a longer distance, but if there's anyone in Copenhagen who could help me, I could bring the car to your place.

Your help will be rewarded with a couple of german beers!
Looking forward to your answers.

Kh, Gabriel



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