Forfatter Emne: STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo  (Læst 7684 gange)

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Offline T3sen

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #15 Dato: 22. Maj 2014 kl: 12:43:19 »
Gratulations  :)

Let this incidence be a warning: Never leave the car without some kind of theft protection.

I learned this the hard way.

Offline Ziont3n

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« Svar #16 Dato: 22. Maj 2014 kl: 12:44:59 »
Great it turned up. Do you have the adress of the place in Smørum ? Might be useful some other time.

Offline jason

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« Svar #17 Dato: 22. Maj 2014 kl: 13:00:37 »
Thank god the hula girl is ok!!
Mvh Jason

Offline Aakerman

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« Svar #18 Dato: 22. Maj 2014 kl: 20:25:16 »
Super Valdimar and remember this always:



Best regards
Medlemsnummer 189
Syncro 14" Caravelle JX 91 "Geo"
Sika Transporter 2,1 WBX 89 "Snehvide"

Offline Aakerman

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #19 Dato: 22. Maj 2014 kl: 20:40:29 »
Den er god nok, historien om, at T3 ryger til Afrika som safaribiler.
Musvit som jeg købte de Borbet fælge af der kommer på auktion til FYN 14, havde sat sin T3 til salg i Den Blå Avis, og den blev solgt til en afrikaner, der var totalt ligeglad med hvad der var inde i den, og hvordan den så ud.
Alt skulle nemlig ud, derefter skulle den skrælles helt ned så det var en helt åben bil, derefter bænksæder, og sluttelig tjene penge som transportør af turister et sted i afrika.
Så han betalte (og den var billig) og daffede af.
Så givet er det at der foregår en sådan trafik, så pas på jeres biler.

Venlig hilsen
Medlemsnummer 189
Syncro 14" Caravelle JX 91 "Geo"
Sika Transporter 2,1 WBX 89 "Snehvide"

Offline Aran

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #20 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 00:13:43 »
Jeg købte for år tilbage en nysynet T3 hvor ukyndige havde klippet i ledningsnettet og bilen derfor ikke kunne køre.
Da det var lavet blev den sat til salg i Den Blå Avis, og der gik ikke længe før der kom en henvendelse på engelsk. Jeg havde i annoncen gjort det klart, at jeg ikke gad tinge om prisen og at køber selv skulle stå for indkøb af plader, forsikring etc.
Der kom to herrer af afrikansk udseende og troede tilsyneladende, at værksted og inventar var inkluderet i prisen.
( Der var ekstra døre, tank, soltag og en masse andet med i en meget lav pris )
Den ene fyr hiver så et bundt sedler frem og skynder sig, at stoppe halvdelen i lommen. Han havde ikke mer' - okay ?
- Jeg forklarede ham, at sådan foregik det ikke, og ville han ikke give prisen var det spild af tid.  Jeg begyndte at lukke og låse, mens han gik lidt afsides og parlamenterede med kammeraten han havde med.
Så ville han have fire generatorer og en udstødning til en Mondeo med i prisen.
Jeg sagde klart nejtak, og smækkede låsen.

SÅ havde han pludselig pengene i hånden. Vi kunne godt handle, men han skulle jo have nummerplader på ?
Jeg forklarede endnu en gang, at det var hans hovedpine hvor og hvordan han ville skaffe dem.
De kørte så lidt rundt i bilen og sikrede sig, at den nu kunne køre, starte og stoppe, og de fik nøgler og attest og en kvittering.
De efterlod bilen foran værkstedsporten behørigt aflåst, selvom de havde fået anvist hvor den kunne stå til de fik plader.
( Jeg havde heldigvis en nøgle der kunne klare det problem, så den blev flyttet til et mere hensigtsmæssigt sted )
Tre dage senere var den væk.
Den kører sikkert rundt et sted i Afrika i dag, men hold da op nogle krejlere ....

Offline Valdi

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« Svar #21 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 01:26:49 »
A letter I sent to the Police today regarding the theft of my car. Please note I have taken out the name of the Scrap Yard for now.  Kindly note that if this scenario I put up is correct I´m afrain that locking the steering wheel, putting a lock on the pedal etc is of no use at all.

The letter:

To whom it may concern.

My car was stolen yesterday and by some extreem luck I found it and now have it back, the police was involved and knows that I have the car in my position but I still want to send you this letter since this scenario has been playing in my mind again and again.

My car nr plate is AM 27766

My car disappeared between 23:30 and 05:50, I left it in front of my driveway after coming late home from work and got up early to get back to my work and no car in sight.  Please note I know the sound of my car well and it takes a few breathtaking moments to get it started every time since the Turbo is broken and need replacement ( which I have ordered about a week ago ).

My bedroom window is facing the driveway and it´s about 15 meters from my window to the road where the car was parked.  Although I sleep with the window closed that night I should have woken up, since I don´t sleep that deep sleep, with the sound of the car being started.

If I now fast forward to the time I get to the car where it was found in Scrap Yard about an hour away from Copenhagen. I start overlooking the car, it has no signs of being broken into and it has no heavy signs of being forced to start by another key.  I have now tried to open the car with different keys that are not for this car and I can do so on 2 doors but I cant use any other key than my car key for this car to start the engine.  I put diesel on the car the day I came late home and I put zero on the km meter.  The diesel had not been used that much at all and the car had not been driven any km so I could see.  The one thing that hit me was that the handbrake did not work and when I looked under the car the threat on the screw connecting the handle of the handbrake to the wires in the back wheels was like it had been draged out by force.

Ok - so now you can call me a fool but I believe that the car was not driven away by anyone - I believe that the Scrap Yards owner/staff is responsible for the theft although the police officers on site told me they were not and I believed they simple took a TowTruck hooked to my car and dragged it up on the platform of the car cousing the handbrake screw threat to been draged out and split and simple drive off with the car on top.

There were a lot of things I had in the car that are missing and I believe if you take to the Scrap Yard again these things will be found on sight to prove my point.

The story the Scrap Yard owner had for the car was that they had bought it from somebody and picked it up around 15:00 - First they arrived at Avedor station since that was the meeting point but then drove to Hvidovre Enghavevej 100 and picked the car up there since the guy selling the car did not have the time to wait for them.  They then took it up to the cars platform by letting the seller drive it up to there since he supposedly had the keys to the car + the Scrap Yard owner was contacted by the police and told to contact me regarding the car.

This story did not fit and hold when I talked to the Scrap Yard owner with the police in all details, suddenly there was no key involved and the owner did not have the story correct and told the police that I had contacted him first hand.

I believe that if there was another person that stole my car and sold it to the Scrap Yard to cash out 2500 kr that they say they bought the car for, it would have been much easier for the individual to drive the car to one of the 4 Scrap Yards surrounding Hvidovre instead of calling a company about an hour away and driving the car back and forward in my neighborhood - driving on the main and only road you can use to get in and out of my neighborhood.

I kindly would like this letter to be sent to someone inside the police department that handles with auto theft since this is not a single persons job cashing out a 2500 kr by steeling a car that is in his neighborhood.

Best regards

VW Lovin

Offline T3sen

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #22 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 06:31:59 »
Citat fra: "Valdi" post=111518

Ok - so now you can call me a fool but I believe that the car was not driven away by anyone - I believe that the Scrap Yards owner/staff is responsible for the theft

Jeg tror du har noget ret.

Det har været min formodning i flere år at den slags foregår.
Det virker somom konkurancen mellen de auto-ophuggere er meget aggressiv.

Jeg bor i et ret lukket område, og alligevel får jeg jævnlig stukket en seddel
bag vindusviskeren fra de ophuggere. En enkelt gang har jeg observeret
hvordan de kørte helt langsomt gennem villakvarteret, tilsyneladende
på "jagt".

Jeg kender desværre ikke detaljerne i det her skrotmarked, men det vil
ganske givet hjælpe på forståelsen af hvad der sker.

Den officielle skrotpræmie er vel 1750 kr.
Alligevel ser man anoncer hvor der gives helt op til 2600 kr.

Jeg er godt klar over at en del af de biler som ejeren tror de sælger til skrot,
reelt ikke bliver skrottet, men det er nok ikke hele forklaringen.

Staten giver måske meget mere til skrothandleren end de 1750 kr
Men igen igen, en billig måde at have kontrol med hvor bilen er placeret er at gemme
en billig android telefon i bilen, og så evt installerer:
Så har man direkte plot af den rute bilen kører realtime.

Offline jason

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« Svar #23 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 11:08:58 »
@Valdi, as far as i am aware it would be impossible to sell a van with the number plates on to a scrap yard in denmark without the registration document as without that the scrapyard owner would have no chance of claiming any money back through the danish vehicle scrapping scheme, even if they did have the document they would still need a bill of sale from the registered owner, the main problem here is that the danish police dont like doing any work that doesn´t put money into the danish state and that will sadly continue as long as they are so under funded,  i´m happy to hear that you got your van back in one piece and hope that you will share the full address of the scrap yard where you found it so we all will know where to look next time a t3 goes missing
Mvh Jason

Offline T3sen

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #24 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 12:02:55 »
Citat fra: "jason" post=111520
as far as i am aware it would be impossible to sell a van with the number plates on to a scrap yard in denmark without the registration document

Ja, det er også min forståelse at situationen.

Men jeg ved ogsa, at der er mange ting jeg ikke er  "aware of".

Det er da meget muligt at der er nogen der har fundet metoder til at
snyde systemet.

I weekenden ejerskiftede jeg for første gang en bil over nettet.
Der var kun brug for MIN nemid, og Nummerpladen,
og et par tal fra registreringsatesten, så var den klaret.

Offline Aran

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STOLEN T25 1,6 Diesel Turbo
« Svar #25 Dato: 23. Maj 2014 kl: 19:45:58 »
I'm glad that you've got your car back in time.  My wife and I wasn't that lucky. We lost our car and got a lot of trouble getting someone to grab the car at the police place . The damned person who stole the car had ripped of the radio / cd player and some of our private stuff.
I guess you won't believe me, but the person who did this didn't even stand trial because he hasn't a permanent adress, and then the police couldn't find him in time! ( They got his full name and visited him in hospital, but he hasn't done anything wrong.  The police and Falck cut him free of the damaged car, but he was for sure innocent! )
It wasn't that difficult to see that idiot on facebook and all his "friends" send him sympathy.
I asked the policeman if I could steel a package of chewing gum in the supermarked without being charged ? He said that he wouldn't  adwise me to do so since I have a permanent adress, and it would be easy to find me, so I didn't start as a shop lifter .....
But the point is, that  the police don't have the capacity to catch and lock up those bastards, and " up higher" in the system they don't care.
What's it to them that you and I put a lot of work into an old car, and care for it ?  It's illegal, oh yes,  but who cares ?
We have to lear it the hard way.